On my previous Travelogue post I was just recovering from an illness when I was writing that blog when I incorrectly titled it ‘Christmas in December’ but should actually be ‘Christmas in October ‘24’ as I was in the Philippines this month and was surprised they already put out their Christmas decorations this early and Christmas musics were played in the shopping centers.
However in the well known shopper’s paradise called Hong Kong there are no Christmas decors yet to be seen but I found a shopping center called Windsor House and on their level 3 they have multiple diecast stores that most of us are going to love to visit. So let’s explore them one by one.


Back in the day, Tomica launched their mainline cars called Pocket Cars in the US but that did not go well due to the cost. However in Asia the Tomica brand is still doing well. A huge selection of their mainline cars can be easily seen but check the one above on the left.

there are a few selection of the Tomica Limited Vintage.

Here are more cars and accessories for all ages

I like that the store is brightly lit so it was easy to take good pictures.
If this has wet your appetite, check out the other stores on my next blog.