Lesney Matchbox time is here again. Today we take a look at Lesney Matchbox 15b, the Rotinoff Super Atlantic Prime Mover. This model entered the range in 1959, remaining until 1966, and is similar to numerous other recent Lesney entries:

This is a model that is similar to the one it replaced, but is a new casting rather than one that was simply scaled up (15a is another similar heavy truck, but different). As this is a 50s model, it has no luxuries like glazing or moving parts, but the casting detail is just a little finer than the softer earlier models. Like other Matchbox models of heavy equipment, of this model is likely somewhat small, perhaps in the 1:90s - the real world vehicle is fairly massive. From all angles, one can imagine this heavy machine pulling more than its weight:

Front and rear have a level of detail to match the rest of the model, with the silver detail at front and spare wheel being an actual wheel being nice touches, and the tow hook adding play value:

The base identifies the maker and model and shows off the black plastic wheels:

This model is lucky enough to live its clean original Type B5 box, likely dating to around 1959:

Speaking of play value, this model was intended to be paired with the 16b Atlantic Trailer:

I'm happy to have this model in my collection, as it is a quality piece. Pictured with an old dime for scale:

A couple images of similar 1:1s from flickr and pinterest:
