Lesney Matchbox time is here again. Today we examine Lesney Matchbox 9b, the Dennis Fire Engine. This model entered the range in 1958, with a short run remaining until 1959, and represents a trait seen in some early Matchbox vehicles:

That trait being this numbered vehicle is a slightly scaled up version of the one it replaced. 9a is a similar fire engine, but fractionally smaller - Lesney did this with several castings before replacing the designs completely (9c is a completely different modern style of fire engine). This model is firmly rooted in the 50s Lesney ethos, being a somewhat softly detailed mellow casting. The finely cast wheel of the rear apparatus is a nice touch which shows casting skill, and the cast-in driver is a nice touch. Scale is somewhat small, I would estimate in the 1:80s range maybe around HO scale - this is a relatively dainty casting, and the real world vehicle is certainly not dainty. From all angles, one can imagine this truck doing heroic duty whenever called upon:

Front and rear have detail to match the rest of the model, with the gold painted front trim at front and elsewhere being a nice period touch:

The base identifies the maker and model, and shows off the metal wheels:

This model is lucky enough to live its pristine original Type B2 box, likely dating from 1958:

I'm happy to have this model in my collection, as it is in time warp condition. Pictured with an old dime for scale:

Image of a similar 1:1 from pinterest:
