Lesney Matchbox time is here again. Today we take a look at Lesney Matchbox 14b, the Daimler Ambulance. This model entered the range in 1958, remaining until 1962, and yet again shows a trait seen in numerous early Matchbox castings:

That trait being a casting that is a modified or scaled up version of the model it replaced. The past several Matchbox featured here have been along this line, and 14b is similar to 14a, barely larger. As this is a 50s model, it has the soft mellow detail of the era, and luxuries such as glazing and opening parts were still for the future. The red cross decal on the roof has withstood the past ~65 years in fine style. Scale of this model is likely quite small, perhaps in the 1:80 range. From all angles, one can imagine this service vehicle coming to the rescue when needed:

Front and rear have a style of detail to match the rest of the model - some fine line casting quality, but more muted than later castings:

The base identifies the maker and model and shows off the grey metal wheels, which make this an early version as these were phased out and replaced by plastic wheels in 1958:

This model is lucky enough to live its nice original Type B2 box, likely dating to 1958:

I'm pleased to have this model in my collection, as it is a nice period piece and is in excellent condition. Pictured with an old dime for scale:

Image of a similar 1:1 from wikipedia:
