Lesney Matchbox time is here again for the last installment of 2023. Today we examine Lesney Matchbox 13b, the Bedford Wreck Truck. This model entered the range in 1958, remaining in a short run until 1960, and once again shows a trait seen in some early Matchbox castings:

That trait being a casting that is a modified or scaled up version of the model it replaced. The past few Matchbox featured here have been along this line, and 13a is a very similar Bedford truck - 13b has a slightly longer rear section, but they are virtually identical otherwise. As this is based on a 50s model, it has the soft mellow detail of the era, and luxuries such as glazing and opening parts were still for the future. Scale of this model is maybe somewhat small, perhaps in the 1:70 range. From all angles, one can imagine this hardworking truck doing duty when something needs to be moved:

Front and rear have detail to match the rest of the model, with the handpainted silver trim being a nice touch, and the tow hook of the towing boom offering plenty of play value:

The base identifies the maker and model where one can see this is a hollow cab casting, and shows off the grey metal wheels, which make this an early version as these were phased out in 1958:

This model is lucky enough to live its clean original Type B2 box, likely dating to 1958:

I'm more than happy to have this model in my collection, as it has some charm and is in pleasing condition. Pictured with an old dime for scale:

Image of a similar 1:1 from bedfordenthusiastsclub.com:

I really love these old Matchbox and this bedford tow truck is no exception. They made this truck to even look cute.
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