Continuing my previous post on the Ultra Hots series, here are 2 more castings.
The ‘57 Buick first appeared under this series in Orange and white, real riders, black int, tinted windows, silver trim with opening hood that shows the engine. There were around 7 varieties. I like mine as it looks cleaner sans pop graphics on the sides which many of the later releases have.

The ‘56 Nomad first appeared in 2006 with both the turquoise with white and the red with white. It has opening hood that shows the engine. Mine does not stay up for some reason. It ran till 2010 when a modification was made to removed the window at the rear to convert it into a delivery vehicle. It lasted till 2014.

I have not seen these castings for a while and cannot find any reason so I am assuming the toolings are no longer available.
The real riders on that Buick are some of the best wheels they've ever put out. They always seem to be paired with the perfect paint/casting combo that makes them hard to "harvest"