I love Fj40 Toyota Land Cruiser and decided to order these 2 online.

As more adults become collectors of diecast cars, companies are coming up with better and more realistic looking cars. Unlike most 1/64 mainline cars where most cars are less detail and limited to around 3 inches in size regardless of the vehicle, these are made with size accuracy in mind. This however comes with a price and a pretty expensive one.
So the solution the Tomica brand came up with is their Tomica premium line where the model still has good detail but fewer separate parts. Comes with plastic instead of rubber tires. The scale is not always true 1/64.

would like to point out that the red Toyota cames in a red box and the yellow comes in a black box. The red box is more expensive due to an info that this was considered the first edition released in limited quantity. However the car is not numbered nor does the box indicate how many were made.
