By now most collectors have heard of Jun Imai and his Kaido House brand in which he collaborated with a diecast company called Mini Gt to launch his own collectible miniature cars.
Here are the first 2 of the Datsun 510 wagons that were released back in May 2022.

Same inspiration. Different outcome.
The inspiration for the livery was based on his actual Datsun wagon. Back when he was a designer in Mattel, he also designed the 510 wagon but unlike the Hot Wheels version he modified the Kaido House version into a 2 door instead of the actual 4 door. Also while the Hot Wheels premium version is limited to painted headlights, special colors and real rider tires, it does not have separate fender mirrors nor opening hood. Jun made his Kaido House version the way he wanted which has more details like lens headlights, separate mirror fenders, and opening hood that shows the detail engines with distinct colors for each wagon.

Those are just some of the noticeanle differences but collectors who collected both would probably notice more differences between the two.
He even has his own signature chassis with a reflective rainbow coating.

The packaging comes as a double box which is the same as most packaging for plastic model kits.

Here is a photo of Jun’s wagon borrowed from

Lastly the scale is almost the same as the Hot Wheels version and when Jun was asked by an interviewer if the scale is 1/64, his answer was it was more to his own 1/64 version.