ERMAGERSH! LaLD is baaaaaack! Sorry, I never took to DriveTribe, and things didn't go as I'd hopped on Opposite-Lock for LaLD, so it's been ... an minute.
I haven't been buying too much since we parted ways on kinja, but recently my basement is starting to take shape (finally!). So, I thought I'd show y'all my first diecast display setup I've got. It's a pair of printing press drawers hung vertically, back to back. Displayed on it are mostly 1:64th/3" scale vehicles in the tightly defined category of, "Vehicles that I enjoy looking at." Filling in the smaller slots, are some of my beloved Micro Machines, and even a few HO scale toys.
The "paneling" I'm using in my basment started off life as huge planks of tongue and groove douglas fir, in an old Ford dealership on South Michican Ave, in Chicago. The planks wereabout 2-1/2" thick. The showroom was on the ground floor, and the service area was up above it. Cars would get there via an elevator. Cars used to drive on this wood! Now, I did not cover my walls in 2-1/2" thick wood. What I did was saw off the weathered faces of the wood, and save the nice insides for other projects. As a bonus, I got all this wood for free. A friend of a friend was renovating the building, and he let us take as much as we could. It was going in a dumpster otherwise. I took two pickup truckloads by volume. I wish I could have taken more, but I didn't have anywhere to put it.
Oh FIL would love that. He spent all of his working years in print shops. Pretty fascinating dude, considering the fact that he's colorblind...a fact that NONE of his employers ever knew. He's also a model railroader.
Regarding your statement "I wish I could have taken more, but I didn't have anywhere to put it." do I feel that. My garage is getting pretty cluttered with lumber that I'm "gonna do something with...someday....".